The Office of Leadership and Wellness at the Keck School of Medicine of USC strives to develop opportunities to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and learners, including medical students, graduate students, and physician residents/fellows. This office is solely dedicated to creating a physically and emotionally healthy environment that supports opportunities for faculty, staff, and learners to find joy in their activities.
Fellows have access to free and confidential meetings with Dr.Tobi Fishel, who is a Clinical Health Psychologist and the Director of Wellness for the office of Graduate Medical Education (GME). She can be contacted via email at tfishel@usc.edu or phone at 615-218-6020.
Fellows can call the GME Hotline with any issues, complaints, or comments: 323-409-LINE(5463)
There is also a free and confidential Mental Health Hotline that is open 24 hours a day/7 days a week: 323-409-6925
Mental Health
Mindfulness meditation is a part of the culture at USC, reflected in the larger Mindful USC Initiative. Specific resources include:
Free drop-in mindfulness and mindful self-compassion classes, multiple times per week
Free intensive six-week class series available at the student health center; online version also available
Free meditation app for use at home: Mindful USC (link to app)
Occupational Therapy Lifestyle Redesign Program, a professional service covered by most insurance plans that creates individualized behavioral plans for individuals to improve time management, self-care, and work-life balance
Physical Health
HSC Recreation Center, a full service gym available for a nominal fee
Free on-campus yoga classes, twice per week
Free on-campus boot camp workout classes, once per week
Spiritual Health
Office of Religious Life offers community of spiritual reflection, open to students of all faith or no faith
For more information, visit the KSOM Office of Leadership and Wellness website: https://keck.usc.edu/leadership-and-wellness/